Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blog 9

Sketch Journal 07:
ideas of viewing tower for my toy character.
(click on image to enlarge)

My chosen character is Hijikata Toshiro from the anime, Gintama.
Based on his characteristics, I came out with an idea for his viewing tower::
These 3 ideas are the very first idea I came up with.
It was inspired by elements I found on the site.
Unfortunately, it was unrelated to my toy or my site.
Then, I tried designing his viewing tower based on his characteristics.
Again, it was rejected because all of my designs were too literal.
After that, I tried doing something different but it turns out to be still too literal and also unrelated to my toy.
Last, idea. I suddenly thought of doing something 'sharp' as it represents my character's cold exterior which made others to not dare to approach him. I tried sketching things that is related to 'sharp' and i chose SWORD.

blog 9: completed! ;)

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