Friday, July 6, 2012

WIP - Project 3

Rendering Animation - Moving the daylight
For my animation, I uses a lot of daylight changes.

First, select your daylight system and go to Modify. Click Setup to change the time of the day.
You can change the time according to what time you want to start and which scene you prefer. In my case, I started off at 5AM where the sun starts to rise.
Then, more your trackbar to the end of the frames and select auto key at the bottom. Auto key will help you to add key frames automatically if changes is done directly on the 3D modelling.
Repeat the same steps. Select daylight system, go to Modify, select setup and change the time. I want the time daylight to stops as the sun sets. That's why i chose 7PM.
Try to move your trackbar and you will see how the sun moves across the building.

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