Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog 5

Sketch Journal 05:
to produce a site plan, thumbnail(s) and perspectives which can be found in Taylor's. The site has to be measured and drawn up in scale.

05: Site Plan & Thumbnails
My group chose our site in front of Truffles which is on the ground floor beside the outdoor amphitheater. We measured the site for 10m x 15m. Above is the image of our site plan in scale of 1:50 which is 1m:2cm. At the side of the site plan, i drawn up 5 thumbnails from the site.

05: Perspective 1
This is a one-point perspective of our site. This perspective is taken from a view outside of our site.

05: Perspective 2
This is a three-point perspective of our site. This perspective is taken from a level above our site which is at the top of the staircase looking down of the site. Although you can't see everything in our site (e.g. the building), but it covers more than 80% of the site.

05: Extra
This is a draft of the site plan according to scale.

Blog 5: completed! ;)

Blog 4

Sketch Journal 04a & b:
o4a - to trace one site plan, plan, section, elevation and perspective of the chosen architect's work
04b - to collect drawing templates and trace
(click on image to enlarge)

For my group, our chose architect is Le Corbusier.
He is one of the pioneers of what now called as Modern Architecture.
I chose he's Sainte Marie de La Tourette.
These are a few images of the building:

04a: Site Plan
This are the site plan of Sainte Marie de La Tourette. I found this in the website: http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Convent_of_La_Tourette.html. Although it does now show the site very specifically, but it still shows briefly on how the site looks like. This site plan is not in scale because i was unable to find the scaled drawing of the building neither on the internet nor the books in the library.

04a: Plan
This is the plan of Sainte Marie de La Tourette. I found this in the same website where i found the site plan. This plan shows the cell floor of the building. There are cells separated with walls as shown in the plan. This plan is not in scale either.

04a: Section
This is the section of Sainte Marie de La Tourette. Found on the same website as the site plan as well as the plan. I couldn't find the section in scale so this section i'd traced us not in scale.

04a: Elevation
This is the elevation of Sainte Marie de La Tourette. I found this on the website: http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~kcoleman/Precedents/ALL%20PDFs/Corbusier_LaTourette.pdf. There is four elevations of the building. The north, south, east and west elevations. This is not in scale.

04a: Perspective
This is the perspective of Sainte Marie de La Tourette. Found this on the same website as the elevation. This perspective is not very complete as it only shows half of one of the side of the building. But it does shows the monastery of la tourette has panes of glasses on the exterior faces allowing light to penetrate, for air to circulate, as well as to provide view out to the woods.

04b: Drawing Templates
I found a few drawing templates online and traced it on butter papers. There are a few symbols of the furnitures, doors and windows as well as symbols to show how air flows, drainage and heating.

04b: Drawing Templates
These are the 2nd page of my drawing templates. The table on the left shows some professional architectural symbols. On the right, i traced 30 different symbols of different species of the trees.

04b: Drawing Templates
This is my 3rd page of the drawing templates. All of these are different types of textures and patterns of floor. There are tiles, stones and surface.

Blog 4: completed! ;)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blog 3

Sketch Journal 03a & b:
03a - to sketch a plan, 3 perspectives and 2 details around Taylor's U
03b - sketches done during the lecture
(click on image to enlarge)

o3a: Plan
This is a floor plan of Taylor's U. In the plan, I marked "A", "B" and "C" for each of the perspectives I'd drawn. The plan is not in scale.

03a: Perspective A
This perspective is found in the library. On the 3rd floor, there is a bridge over from one side of a building to another building. I drew this in one-point perspective. Other than that, i'd drawn 2 details which is on one of the pillars and also the leg of the chair.

03a: Perspective B
Perspective B can be found in between the international office and the enrolment and admission services centre. Its a small pathway with lift, toilet and offices on both left and right side. I'd drawn this in a one-point perspective. I also drew 2 details for this perspective which is the lighting and the switches on the wall.

03a: Perspective C
This is an external perspective. This perspective i'd drawn is in three-point perspective. It is the commercial block also known as the University Square. I drew 2 details for this perspective which is the roof and also one of the windows on the building.

03a: Extra
This is a draft of the plan before i enlarge it.

03b: Sketch
These are a few sketches drawn during the lecture. We were required to sketch these is 3-5 minutes to train ourselves to sketch on spot. My work are still very roughly done.
Blog 3: completed! ;)